We respect nature and people, and we want to pass on a better future to the next generations.
Our Culture
We cherish our corporate family. As an innovation oriented company we constantly improve our production processes and ourselves.
Our success relies on the devotion and loyalty of the Ekoten family. Our approach to all our stakeholders and employees is based on our company values. We strongly believe in designing our dreams, constantly developing, caring deeply, loving what we do, and achieving the best.
İnovasyon odaklı firmamızda tüm üretim süreçlerini ve kendimizi sürekli geliştirmeye yönelik çalışmalar yürütüyoruz. Ailemize değer veriyoruz.
Başarımız, özveri ve bağlılığımız sayesinde var. Tüm paydaşlarımız ve çalışanlarımıza olan yaklaşımımız, kurumsal değerlerimizi yansıtıyor. Hayallerimizi tasarlayarak, geliştirerek, değer vererek, sevgiyle, en iyisini yaparız!

Women in Ekoten
Women make up 46% of all managers at Ekoten.
We strongly believe in equal opportunity and our workforce reflects our work in women’s empowerment.
Talent Programs for Future Generations
We inspire young generations through internship programs and collaborative projects with universities. Our aim is to provide meaningful opportunities for high school and university students to build real projects in professional life.

Workshops for young analysts and software developers who will play a role in the digital transformation.

Part-time young talent programme for 3rd grade university students in engineering to improve their professional and technical development. Aims to empower women in the field of technology.
Ekoten Family by Generations
X Generation
Y Generation
Z Generation
Development for All Our Talents
We strongly believe in the immense power of investing in human capital, and this belief is reflected in our approach to personal and professional development. Our company programs are designed to provide hands-on development for all our employees and solution partners. Through addressing different areas of development, we aim to create not only a better company but also stronger bonds between our people.

Corporate Management and Improvement Trainings
Organised to develop and improve together with our colleagues with an aim to further strengthen and develop our corporate processes.

Self-Improvement & Competence Trainings
Organised for the development of competence in every position in order to ensure rapid adaptation to the changing and developing world by adjusting our attitudes and behaviours with 21st century skills.

Operational Process Trainings
Organised for the improvement of our technical and professional competences, innovative products, services and applications in all our processes from production to sales.

Lean Management & Technical Trainings
Organised for the improvement of professional skills of our colleagues in the production and to ensure the sustainability of our way of doing business by integrating the lean transformation culture into our processes.

Sustainability Trainings
Organised for the development and improvement of our colleagues and all stakeholders in compliance to the United Nations Development Goals.

Computer Programmes & Software Trainings
As one of the leading companies in the digital transformation of our sector, we organise training programmes to increase the digital literacy of our colleagues and to ensure the development of digital competence.
Community Oriented Projects
We know that our impact goes far beyond our company, our industry, and our hometown. This is why we have been working with non-profit organizations and commerce chambers around the country. Our community projects aim to reach students and entrepreneurs working in a variety of fields, and inspire young generations.


Mentorum ESİAD

Izmir University of Economics Part-Time Job Protocol

AKUT Disaster Search & Rescue Association